How To Heal Iron Deficiency Do I Have Iron Deficiency Anemia?
Do i have iron deficiency anemia? - how to heal iron deficiency
I Bruise Easily and this kind of poor circulation, I'm pale and expanses of purple under his eyes.
I am a vegetarian and have broken some kind of immune system and ill 3 times in the past year.
BTW I have bruises take centuries to heal.
It seems that his anemic, but we need to go to the doctor to confirm a blood test.
Your doctor can help prevent iron preparation.
I understand that you are a vegetarian, which means that you do not eat meat. There are other solutions where you get your iron.
* Eggs
* Tofu
* Cottage cheese believe it (or not)
* Protein Bars
If you are, can, in fact, anemia is reversed.
Good Luck
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