Is Pregnancy Visual After A Month Visual Disturbances During Pregnancy?

Visual disturbances during pregnancy? - is pregnancy visual after a month

I am 26 weeks tomorrow and since about 10 weeks I had what seemed black bits floating before my eyes. It's like the whole time, so that we sometimes do not even notice. Above all, pieces of black cotton, are constantly moving, but the other day was like glitter before my eyes! My blood pressure is very low, approximately (110/60), also much lower. I had the same thing in my previous pregnancy and told the midwife, but it does not bother me. Should I bother you this time?


emma R said...

hiya hun, first, congratulations. I also attended and were very early. If your blood pressure is low, then it should go, if you have vision problems that high BP may be a sign of pre-eclampsia. I was with my last pregnancy, but my BP is fine until now. It is well to mention that, as you know, they were informed, and if it is something that needs to be verified, it can be. ensure that in anything, but I would say you should consider never assume that something is not in pregnany normal to tell your GP or MW. Good luck hun x

emma R said...

hiya hun, first, congratulations. I also attended and were very early. If your blood pressure is low, then it should go, if you have vision problems that high BP may be a sign of pre-eclampsia. I was with my last pregnancy, but my BP is fine until now. It is well to mention that, as you know, they were informed, and if it is something that needs to be verified, it can be. ensure that in anything, but I would say you should consider never assume that something is not in pregnany normal to tell your GP or MW. Good luck hun x

lady_yun... said...

I am over 10 weeks of pregnancy, and I began to see flocks 'money' before my eyes. They also had what at first pregnancy. NORMAL FOR YOUR EYES TO GO FUNNY during pregnancy.

Missy said...

Low blood pressure is worse than blood pressure. They also suffer with eyes like stars, before they started all the time and day 1 of my eyes and asked his opinion contractions and said not to worry. If I were you, I would be checked by your doctor and ask for more advice. But I have a date 4 my baby
Good luck and Take Care xx

Sasha said...

They have in the last stages of pregnancy, dont think it is worry about 2, depending on my daughter, I had problems with my eyes the only thing about her pregnancy

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