Cute Wedding Invite Wording Cute Fun Ways To Word Casino-styled Wedding Invitations?

Cute fun ways to word casino-styled wedding invitations? - cute wedding invite wording

OK, you know how some of you, my husband-to-be and I married on 07-07-07. We have a really great meeting with some 100 of our friends. Had since the time is 777, a style poker / casino and the theme, our colors black, red, white and silver. I have this wedding invitations: ...

But I do not know how the proposed text. Bla * to *. We want a text that reflects our joy, and its uniqueness. Our wedding cake is a slot machine jackpot-777 in it, and even the wedding cake has three cards, 7 in the sides with the king and queen of hearts in the middle. Our honeymoon will be in Las Vegas.

Soo .. with all that in mind, this is a fun way to talk to our invitatIons? Any declaration of Nice casino? My friend and I host, and said that the invitations are all friends. Opinions?


frost721... said...

Hello, how about this ...

focused, of course .....

We turn the wheel
and took a chance.
We hit the jackpot
our romance!

eu poker face, you

(Name of marriage)



Would the use of
and tie the knot.

In .........( DATE ).......................

Join the high rollers

In ............( ).................. TIME ...
WO ...................( )............ ...

There are a great moment.

...................................... ...

The link below is a site that has tons of links to casinos thematic ideas, I hope this helps ...

jenifaje... said...

^ It's really cool. I am pleased to be invited to a wedding. Good luck and I'm sure ur wedding will be a blast!

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