Wireless Dongle Hack For Xbox Hacking Internet From Wireless Modem Via Bluetooth Dongle For Pc?

Hacking internet from wireless modem via bluetooth Dongle for pc? - wireless dongle hack for xbox

Hacking the Internet via a wireless modem via Bluetooth dongle for PC? Possible or not ??????????


Jack M said...

via Bluetooth dongle? No

Yadav Boy said...

Yes, you can use the Internet from wireless modem (mobile phone) via Bluetooth dongle on the PC.

For example: - If your Nokia phone, then the phone using Nokia PC Suite via Bluetooth and then u can connect to the Internet with ease.

Note: - Sometimes u have to make the connection b / w the two Bluetooth connections.

Yadav Boy said...

Yes, you can use the Internet from wireless modem (mobile phone) via Bluetooth dongle on the PC.

For example: - If your Nokia phone, then the phone using Nokia PC Suite via Bluetooth and then u can connect to the Internet with ease.

Note: - Sometimes u have to make the connection b / w the two Bluetooth connections.

Pro Graphics said...

When reaching the PC Bluetooth and a useless and unnecessary experiments, a cell phone to the PC via Bluetooth wireless internet access - then yes, you can do.

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