Polymer Crystals Where To Buy Where Can I Buy A Polymer Ball That Holds Water For Gardening?

Where can I buy a polymer ball that holds water for gardening? - polymer crystals where to buy

Recently, the Internet has, I found on a website, like a miniature bamboo plants and a recommendation that states that I should place the soil "is used Water Babies", is a similar product to grow as the seven colors of the Crystal Boll, but I do not know where to find it here in the U.S., preferably California. If there is no other product like this sold in a shop in the U.S., which many will appreciate it.


B1ackb3r... said...

Anything that is something for the bamboo root in the water. You can use small stones, if you want. Check out these allowances crystal soil
http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B002U7M ...

David R. said...

Jump to: leevalley.com
The annual horticultural catalog
Page 18 has what you want, I think.

fedupnec... said...

b somebody said Richard I saw the type of apple from San Diago and here they are:
Dorset Golden, Fuji and Pink Lady .....
I / T back to the same question ... not

fedupnec... said...

b somebody said Richard I saw the type of apple from San Diago and here they are:
Dorset Golden, Fuji and Pink Lady .....
I / T back to the same question ... not

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