Institutional Real Estate Investors Please Help Me With These Real Estate/investment Questions - I Am From France And Wish To Invest In U.S.?

Please help me with these real estate/investment questions - I am from France and wish to invest in U.S.? - institutional real estate investors

1. Is it possible to compensate for a gain of 40 to 50% of an investment and how long does it take?

2. If this were not the case, which made the commission of brokers?

3. Is it necessary to prove the origin of funds? If so, is so difficult to reverse a federal operator?

4. Do we need an institutional investor?

5. Is it possible to assemble a group of investors?

6. Besides money, we need to spend time by the case together?

7. Where can I buy property?

8. Is it possible to the resale of these properties quickly?

9. There is a heavy burden on the state and federal tax if the sale of homes within 5 years, especially if we are not a broker?


kalamity said...

First, the questions of your question in a more ... But I'll try to respond as much as possible to the best of its ability

1. Anything is possible, but no guarantee he made between 40 and 50% to win R / E investment. Are dependent on the housing market, the investment or interest in. For example, in California, where property values traditionally higher yields dividends to investors than the rest of the country in a hot market over the standard 20 30%. Currently, the national real estate property ... In short - there's no guarantee ....

2. Can answer this question ... which vary on the services provided

3. No need to prove the source of funding ....

4. I dont think so ....

5. Here too, everything is possible. In fact, there are companies that specialize in exactly this, that. I personally like the idea that I am in control of my investment .. Too many people, even with a legal contract, headaches.

6. The purchase of a parcel of property if you identify the brandand the acquisition and ownership is relatively simple ... ensure that U.S. citizens. Now, a group of investors roganize suppose it would be costly and time consuming.

7. This is very individual investor ....

8. It is possible, but depends on many factros, location, market, price, etc. It is possible, but no guarantee ...

9. There are tax rules are too complex to give a simple answer ... I suspect that the investment income especially if you were a foreign investor in 25%, more or less.

I hope you were able to answer you with a rough all your questions. My sincere advice to you: Get advice from an international organization of real estate before they invest. Best of luck.

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