Index Of: Pregnant I Am 19 Weeks Pregnant, Latest Scan Shows Dolicocephaly With Cephalic Index Of 71. What Does This Mean?

I am 19 weeks pregnant, latest scan shows dolicocephaly with cephalic index of 71. What does this mean? - index of: pregnant

Dolichocephaly is a condition in which your child's head is too long or too narrow. Cephalic index is the ratio between the maximum width of the head, to the maximum length. As a rule, during an ultrasound gestational age estimate. This is not an exact science, but obviously, because it can not change with gestational diabetes, age and the exact number can vary widely, as the baby grows. I get more information, contact your doctor is usually used for the verification of gestational age. This number may be incorrect if you think not as advanced as you. As if only 18 weeks, for example. Expiration dates and timing of pregnancy are typically designed to see you with your doctor for it (or explain it), so that no worries to speak.


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